11 - 13 SEPTEMBER 2024




Er du klar til å transformere livet og karrieren?
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11 - 13 SEPTEMBER 2024




Er du klar til å transformere livet og karrieren?
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Develop your potential?

MadeToGrow is passionate about enhancing motivation, health, and resilience to tackle opportunities and challenges in all areas of life.

DISCOVER and DEVELOP the best in yourself and others!

Regardless of age and life stage, we as humans have a need to experience MEANING AND LIFE MASTERY.

It involves:

  • Feeling WORTHY and good enough.
  • Having good RELATIONSHIPS and belonging to a social community.
  • Variety, LEARNING, and DEVELOPMENT – throughout life.
  • Experiencing COMPETENCE and RESILIENCE to handle opportunities and challenges.
  • Experiencing MEANING in everyday life and CONTRIBUTING to something greater than ourselves.

This is what MadeToGrow contributes to

MadeToGrow was established based on a passionate commitment to ensuring that individuals, organizations, and our society function in the most optimal way possible.

We contribute to this by helping people experience mastery, development, and joy in life, so they can tap into their full potential and make positive contributions to their schools, workplaces, or communities.

We engage with individuals, schools, workplaces, and other societal actors to inspire and facilitate learning and development. This naturally leads to a sense of mastery, excellent performance, and joy in life.

MadeToGrow for employers and leaders

We provide comprehensive solutions for employers and leaders that enhance employee mastery and performance while reducing absenteeism and turnover


A transformative event that will bring greater awareness of goals and direction in life, enhanced relationship skills and resilience, (self)leadership abilities, as well as renewed inspiration and energy

MadeToGrow for school leaders and teachers

We offer effective and research-based programs that support schools in promoting public health and life skills

Coaching and mental training

We help you find new inspiration, discover goals, meaning, and direction in your career and life, build your resilience, and provide invaluable support on your journey

MadeToGrow for society

We offer complementary services and solutions for societal actors who are passionate about people's learning, development, and life skills


With passionate commitment, we deliver research knowledge combined with personal and career experience from real individuals

Your home for learning, mastery, and personal development – right in your pocket.

We have developed an app that supports the development of individuals, classrooms, teams, and organizations. The app promotes holistic growth and personalization and is seamlessly integrated into our various services.

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